
  1. Authors are required to sign up with HEOS for manuscript submission.

  2. Manuscripts must be written in good English and are to be  submitted through 

    1. online submission system OR

    2. email:  

  3. Manuscripts are to be submitted as a single MS-Word file including all materials. Two copies of manuscript are required to be submitted 1) blind copy without authors details; 2) copy with authors details. Style sheet template is available for download. 

  4. On the first page of the manuscript the author is to include 

    1. the complete title 

    2. the affiliations of all authors and the corresponding author

    3. full address of all authors and the corresponding author

  5. On the second page, the author is to include an abstract of 150 to 250 words. Authors must briefly and explicitly write down the key issue, main purpose, methods, findings/results and implications of the findings/results.

  6. Articles are to be written in British English or US English in 3500 to 8000 words, including references and appendices. 

  7. Any word or words to be abbreviated is to be written in full when first mentioned followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis. All foreign words to be written within single inverted commas.

  8. Each form of illustration is to be submitted as sequentially numbered figures, and the illustrations are to be incorporated into the main body of the manuscript.

  9. Tables are to be numbered and headed with short titles. As with illustrations, they are to be inserted in the main manuscript text. The numbers and titles to be written on top of figures/tables/diagrams.

  10. Acknowledgments are to appear at the end of the text. Please also include 50- word biography of the authors. 

  11. Authors are to include at least 15 to 20 references. The references are in accordance to APA citations version 7. 

  12. Click the link to APA Style version 7 citation guidelines.

  13. All changes made by authors after the first copyedit must be highlighted.